The color pink is usually thought as the symbol of young people's choice, so many women who are over 35 are not willing to wear this color. Some people decide not to wear pink clothes because they want to change their image while some are afraid of others' point of views. So here comes the question; will you wear pink cheap party dresses when you are over the age 35?
As far as I am concerned, the color pink is not the sole ownership for young ladies, women over 35 can also wear the pink fashion party dresses, pink pants, and pink high heels and so on. Maybe you won't believe it that the color pink originally is for boys. A June 1918 article from the trade publication Earns haw's Infants' Department said, "The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl." Other sources said blue was flattering for blonds, pink for brunettes; or blue was for blue-eyed babies, pink for brown-eyed babies, according to Paulette.
Women wearing pink usually appear more young and vibrant, so at the age of 35, why not wearing this color to make you more active and enthusiastic? offers you kinds of pink party dresses which can add your confidence in all parties. No matter how old are you, you can just go to find one dress!